How to Write an Application for Sick Leave for School

Hello and Good Day! I hope this message finds you well. In this article, we look at the format and details of writing a practical application for sick leave. The following template should help students write respectably and effectively to the school authorities regarding a health-related absence. Following is a detailed example of a sick leave application.


An example of a sick leave application addressed to a headmaster, explaining the medical condition of a student to request a leave of absence. This will enable the school administration to be acquainted with the full details of the case so that the necessary arrangements can be made regarding the student’s academic responsibilities.

PDF Application for Sick Leave

The PDF includes:

  • A template for writing a sick leave application to your school headmaster.

Download Instructions:

Click the Download button above to download a PDF of the sick leave application template.

Application Template:


The Headmaster ***
The school’s name

[School Address]
[ City, State, ZIP Code]


Dear Sir/Madam


I am writing to let you know that, at the moment, I am unwell, and I have had my medical tests conducted by doctors. According to my doctors, I have been diagnosed with [illness/medical condition, e.g., a severe flu]. Consequently, I cannot make it to school and attend classes from [start date] to [end date]. My physician has advised me to take complete rest so I can recover quickly and thoroughly at the same time.

I have already consented to my class teacher to the above situation and agree upon attending lessons and making up all the assignments by engaging in extra classes after getting back with a medical report from the doctor I visited.

I kindly request that you to grant me permission for sick leave during that period. Thank you for your understanding and support.


Yours ever sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Class/Grade, and

Key Elements of the Application

Polite and Respectful Tone:

The tone should be respectful and hence the appropriate salutations for the headmaster—”Respected Sir/Madam.”

Human Readable:

Outline clearly your illness and the dates of your absence period from school. This can help the administration of the school estimate the window of time for which you are going to be lacking so that necessary considerations can be made accordingly.

Medical Advice:

You can add that the doctor prescribed rest and that with the prescription, the medical certificate will be produced from him. Such an addition adds credibility to the request and provides for transparency in its handling.

Academic Integrity:

Notify your class teacher about the situation and let them know of your plans to catch up on lessons and assignments missed. It shows that a student is still committed to learning despite being ill.

Request for Sick Leave:

He kindly requests the Head of School to grant him leave during the period stated above. He also expresses his gratitude for their understanding and support.


A well-written application for leave will facilitate smooth communication between the students and school authorities regarding absences due to illness. We hope the sample helps you to draft a practical application. Thank you for reading and using this template to express your needs kindly yet effectively. Please share this with fellow students who might find it helpful in similar scenarios.

More Interactive PDFs:

Let us juggle these academic exigencies together and make sure to communicate with school authorities in a clear, polite manner.

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