Application for Urgent Piece of Work: Formal Template Guide

Hello and Good Day! I hope this message finds you well. This article contains an example of an application to request leave from school due to some urgent personal work. This template is pretty formal and is used by the students to finally seek the school principal’s approval for taking urgent leave. Following is the full text of the application:.


This is an application for organizing an important personal matter requiring immediate attention and, therefore, a leave of absence from school. The letter shall ensure that the concerned student informs the school administration so that proper arrangements can be made for all academic responsibilities while he or she is away.

Application for Urgent Piece of Work:

The PDF contains :

  • A leave application writing template to your school headmaster for some personal urgent matter.

Instructions for download:

Hit the above Download button to avail a PDF of the leave application template.

Application Template:


The Headmaster
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]


Dear Sir/Madam


I am applying for leave from school due to an urgent personal matter requiring immediate attention. This would require me to take leave from school from the [start date] to the [end date].

I assure you that I will work hard and catch up with my lessons and assignments for those days on which I’m leaving. I have already informed my class teacher and arranged to obtain the necessary class notes and homework.

Please authorize the leave for the mentioned days. Thank you for considering my situation.


Sincerely yours,
[Your Name]
[ Class/Grade and Section

Application’s Key Elements:

Polite and Respectful Tone:

The application is kept polite in tone, addressing the headmaster with proper salutations, such as “Respected Sir/Madam.”

Clear Information:

The application explains in clear language the reason for the leave and the dates between which the student is out. This enables the school administration to know how necessary the leave is and the period it will cover.

Academic Responsibility:

The student promises that lessons and assignments missed will, by any chance, be made up to see to it that maximum commitment toward studies is achieved even though the issue at hand is of urgency.

Engaging with the Teacher:

Indicating that the class teacher was notified and due arrangements were made with them for collecting class notes and homework is also giving credibility to the request.

Request for Leave:

The application gently implores the headmaster to please grant leave for the given period and expresses thankful for your kind understanding and consideration.


An application for leave, if written adequately for an urgent work, makes communications clear between the students and the school authorities, and it is easy to handle such absences. We hope the template will make it easier for you to draft a practical application.

Thank you again for reading and using this template to make your needs known in a respectful and effective way. Be sure to share it with your colleagues at some point in time.

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Let’s navigate these academic requirements for you in a way that is clear and respectful to school authorities.

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