Triage theory | What is the importance of Triage Theory

Triage theory: Triage refers to the sorting out of something. Triage medically refers to prioritizing which among the injured or ill people, or survivors of the disaster needs to receive emergency attention first. Patients are thus triaged or ranked based on their necessity for emergency medical care.

What is the concept of triage?

Given the complex interaction of geological and environmental factors likely to have been common throughout human evolution, periods of micronutrient deficiency would probably have been usual. It would seem sensible for the body to have survival mechanisms that maintained short-term survival even if they are deleterious to healthy ageing. This is because, throughout history, natural selection has commonly favored short-term survival at the expense of long term health.

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The body is more concerned with short-term function and survival than it is with longevity or health. In the case of micronutrient deficiency, survival in the short term may be achieved by allocating limited micronutrients to enzymes according to their level of importance. While those contributing to long-term health might be lost. Here, a deficiency in micronutrients could speed up processes such as cancer, aging, and neural decay. While leaving essential metabolic functions, such as energy production, intact.

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Similar mechanisms are not rare in the body. For instance, when the tissues do not receive enough oxygen, mechanisms that ensure vital organ function exist by distributing blood flow mainly to the brain, heart, and adrenal glands. Non-vital organs will have less blood flow since they are not crucial to the immediate survival of the body. This can hasten the aging process and disease susceptibility Proteins that protect against future damage. Like DNA repair mechanisms process sacrificed in order of priority. This may hasten aging and disease susceptibility.

Triage Theory: How It Works in a Hospital

bruce ames triage theory

With this in mind, Dr Bruce Ames proposes the classification of such enzymes as survival proteins and longevity proteins. The dietary compounds required for the action of longevity proteins are termed as longevity vitamins. The deficiency of these vitamins may lead to damage that, although not contributing at that moment, may add up eventually. Nutritional concepts that have also been proven to be true in this regard. It includes that fetal malnutrition has a highly suggestive association with coronary artery disease in adult life.


Some nutritional compounds provide great benefit in enhancing metabolic processes and health. Generally although they are not necessarily indispensable. For instance, their significance is sometimes understated. Mainly because their lack may not present with immediately discernible nor totally clear effects. Among these would include antioxidants. They might be essential neither for human survival, yet their contributions diminish the amount of oxidative stress and free radicals going into the body system.

Dr Bruce Ames mentions 41 different micronutrients that have crucial functions in our health in general. He highlights the fact that to be optimally healthy and long-lived, one should fulfill one’s body’s demand for them and thereby minimize the long-term consequences of deficiency in these nutrients. Such includes vitamins, minerals, conditional vitamins, and putative longevity vitamins.

Applications for health and performance

Looking at this theory through the scope of health and performance. We realized that if the body is deficient in nutrients, it will be starved of the raw ingredients it needs to function optimally during exercise. Triage theory applies to health and performance for the following reasons. It follows that if the body is reserving nutrient allocation for survival mechanisms, proteins and enzymes. These enhance athletic performance may be denied. If a metabolic process will improve performance but is not considered vital to survival. It is likely to be denied when nutrients are limited.

Triage theory has obvious implications for general health and wellbeing as well. Nutrient deficiency can accelerate aging and disease development. As processes that increase longevity are starved of the nutrients they need to function. Longevity and health are two crucial ideas for an athlete’s success. Better health allows athletes to train and compete more often, which obviously boosts performance. You can practice and compete for longer periods of time if you take care of your health. Which will enable you to continue doing your favorite things.

What are the 5 levels of triage?

In general, the triage system has five levels:

  • Level 1 – Immediate: life threatening.
  • Level 2 – Emergency: could become life threatening.
  • Level 3 – Urgent: not life threatening.
  • Level 4 – Semi-urgent: not life threatening.
  • Level 5 –Non-urgent: need care when time allows.

What are the triage colors?

The 4 conventional triage categories are:

  • Minor: Green Triage Tag Color. Victim with relatively minor injuries. .
  • Delayed: Yellow Triage Tag Color. Victim’s transport can be late.
  • Immediate: Red Triage Tag Color. Victims can be assisted by transport.
  • Expectant: Black Triage Tag Color.

What is a P4 patient?

Expectant (P4): The victim is not expected to survive. any longer without jeopardizing. the care of higher priority patients. Care. should not be left and whatever remaining time is spared.

How did triage come to be?

Baron Dominique Jean Larry, Surgeon in Chief of Napoleon’s Imperial Guard, is credited with coining the term “triage”. By using the French word “trier” to describe a sorting procedure in 1792. Larry is recognized for creating the Ambulance Volante, a flying ambulance.

What is a Color tag?

Color tags are able to allow you to group colors based off of the color tags you have defined in the website settings color palette. Color tags must be input and the enter key pressed in order to create color tags.

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